I'm just a simple gal who wants to lead a simple life.
9th March 1985
Full time worker for Christ
Member of TPCMC
Children Ministry
NUS SDE Year 3 student
Primary School Tutor
not so simple as i thought..
This skin is a !ferrisproduction. The brushes are from here and here. The wonderful image is attained from here, enhanced with the help of Photoshop. No ripping/stealing.
Friday, June 27, 2008 @ 10:01 AM
I'm stunned when i saw this.... lol! Great Morning! lol.
bad start of the day!i've got a RED thumb! i got scalded by the hot water! sian. now my thumb still hurts.. but luckily there's antiseptic cream!
oh i've just moved my workstation again! from 2 person share a workstaion to 2 person share a long table and to now! 3 person share a big meeting room! super high. and what's best is that... kekeke, no one can watch what we are doing.. cos we are back-facing the window. lol. so.. i guess now it's more slack.. maybe more videos and songs.. maybe can try playing Viwawa here. lol.
It's really enjoyable working in Sentosa.. Most of the people are really nice. They will smile to you and say "Hi!" when they see you.. even when you don't know them or first time meeting them. They have no air.. take for the directors of my dept, they are really nice that they can drive you out for lunch.. treat me some nice dessert.. Most of them are these kind of people..
However, there's always people who really bully temp staff.. like asking us to do things which they won't ask the perm staff.. and saying words like "What's wrong with you?" without reasons when they just want to vent their whole day of stress on someone, and the best person is a temp staff.. and yah, so i got that yday..
In fact, i know it's all out of stress..purely unintentional.. but if I am someone whom you treasure, will u still vent all these on me? Maybe that person may sapologize after the whole incident.. but would you rather say that the person does not treasure you because if she does, she would have apologize or would u rather say that the person does not treasure you because in the first place, if she does, she would not flare up. what's your choice for this..
in fact my mum always tell me something: never bring back your unhappiness or moody attitude from work to home/dinner outside.. I practise that, in fact, i believe in that we should just let unhappiness from work or school stays in workplace or school. however, some people just can't do that.. like my brother, if he's superly stressed at work, things didn't turn out well at work, he will definitely turn up the volume of his Hi-fi in his room and techno-fy the room, regardless of who is in the house and what time it is. and when he "bomb" the room with techno, anyone who knocks his room will suffer from his sucky attitude and everything that you request, will be "NO!".
Different people have different waty of handling their stress.. but one thing to take note.. do not let your stress or unhappiness affect the peeople around you.. i think this is people relationship that we should practise.